Are you an owner or enthusiast of 1953-1982 Corvettes?
Are you interested in the restoring and preserving these classics?
The Corvette Restoration and Preservation List (CRPL) was created to provide interested owners and enthusiasts with an online vehicle for asking questions, sharing answers, and conducting general discussions on subjects relating to restoring and preserving classic Corvettes.
This mailing list is not a general Corvette discussion group, a place to discuss newer model Vettes, or a place to discuss topics such as racing--except where these topics directly relate to the history and preservation of older Vettes. If you're looking for a general Corvette discussion group, check out the VetteNet mailing list.
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If you've got any questions or comments about this mailing list, send them to Dan Linder
Page design by Daniel Linder, Barbara Spear, Jack Morocco & John C. Broman, Jr.
Copyright 1997/2023 Daniel Linder, Barbara Spear, Jack Morocco and John C. Broman, Jr., All rights reserved.